Ruby July Birthstone

Ruby July Birthstone

The July birthstone is considered the king of gems. It represents love, health, wisdom, and success. It was believed wearing a beautiful red Ruby bestowed good fortune on its owner. Ruby is the most valuable gemstone and its value increases based on its color and quality. Like diamonds, rubies are evaluated using the 4Cs, plus size and geographic origin. The most important feature of ruby is its red color, as other hues of this gem are considered sapphire. The rarest ruby is a vibrant purplish red, losing value as it leans toward brown, orange or even pink. Rubies from Burma (Myanmar) possess the highly coveted “pigeon blood red” color. (In October 2016, the US lifted its embargo on Myanmar rubies. Previously, only Myanmar rubies were imported for sale in the US. Rubies have long been considered the perfect wedding gem also considered for the 15th. – 40th wedding anniversary. Color and carat or size have the most significant effect on a ruby’s value. Today most Rubies are heat treated to bring out a brighter color these stone should be priced accordingly. For care and cleaning Ruby use mild soapy warm water, avoid ultrasonic and steam cleaning as some rubies are filled to enhance their beauty.

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